Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Sorry about the lack of keeping up. I have been a little out of sorts and feeling a bit directionless. This has been due mostly to my lack of being able to find an internship and the lax nature of the Masters program. Class two days a week, zero homework, zero reading. The nature of a Masters program here seems to be about sharpening professional skills for existing professionals, introducing them to new areas, concepts and the latest fads in business. This allows a lot of time for exploring on my own, defining exactly what I want to learn about and who I want to meet. Some of that time has been put to good use, some has not.

Nevertheless, I feel back on track these days and am starting to have a clearer vision of the areas I want to explore, the companies I want to visit, and the skills I want to learn. Recently, I have visited a few factories and met with some interesting people at a number of key organizations related to MCC.

In the next few days I will relate those experience which include: Fagor Negocio de Muebles de Cocina, Otalora (MCC organization in charge of training managers and new staff in coops values), Lanki (MCC organization in charge of studying coops), MCC Headquarters, Geyser-Gastech (a joint venture between Fagor Electrodomésticos and a German company that makes hot water heaters) as well as some in-depth conversations with professors about MCC.



Anonymous said...

Hi Dan:
Glad to see you back in print. I've come across an interesting source of information on Cooperatives, including Mondragon in an online publication called GEO (Grassroot Economic Organizing). Tom Huet, a coop advocate from San Franciso has written several pieces on cooperatives. Are you familiar with him?
If not, he wrote in 2001 an report and reflection on Mondragon, "News from Mondragon". I'd like to hear your opinion of this, particularly the last section, "Lessons and Applications for North America." The article is at: http://www.geo.coop/huet.htm. BTW: He might be an interesting guy to make contact with.

Dan Bianchi said...

I will chack him out. I think i have seen the site. I remember it not being very up to date. Thanks for the heads up.